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About Us

about us

Secular Journey In Homeschooling Coalition was founded to help to those new and experienced homeschool families find opportunities that align with their beliefs and values. After years of homeschooling, our founder noticed that it was difficult to identify which curriculums, co-ops, and communities would work for her family. Many secular homeschool communities would not permit content that alluded to any religion and many popular homeschool communities did not adequately identify the degree to which religion was included in content. This organization was created to help bridge the gap and quantify the degree to which different opportunities and options align with different beliefs. 

How We Do It?

The founders of this organization and selected volunteers review each organization, curriculum, and opportunity aimed at homeschoolers and identify the degree to which it is religious, and what its political leaning is. Note that while an organization itself may fall at one level on the scale, their offerings may fall on a different level. These levels may change as the curriculum evolves over time.

The Religion Scale

All content is reviewed on a 0-5 scale, with 0 meaning containing no religious content of affiliation. A score of 1-2 indicates that religion is referenced in the curriculum, but may not necessarily preach or teach from that perspective. A World Religions class would be an example of a “2”. Levels 3 and above indicate that the curriculum references and teaches from a given perspective. Life of Fred books generally fall at level 3. 

The Political Scale

Having a secular or religious affiliation does not necessarily indicate political leaning. Therefore, we have also created a political scale from Red to Purple with Red being Highly Conservative and Purple being Highly Progressive.